
Putting people together

Useful Documents

The documents listed on this page are useful when employing carers using direct payments;

Sample Contract - This document will give you an idea of the sort of things you need to cover in a Personal Assistant's Contract. The red wording is the basic information you'll need to edit to make the document fit your role. You are able to change any of the document to suit the details of your role too.

Sample Job Description - This document will show you a basic job description for an employer that needs a carer to assist them with care tasks, domestic tasks and social tasks. It gives you an example of how a detailed job description can be written. You are free to edit and use this document when writing your own job description.

HMRC P46  - This form is for employees who do not have a P45 from their previous job. It collects their personal details and allows you to assign their tax code. Each new employee without a P45 will need to fill in a P46, and you will need to pass the completed form to your payroll provider.

Timesheet - This is an excel timesheet that can be filled in weekly or monthly to record the hours that carers have worked for you. The details in red can be personalised with your information and your carer's information. The timesheet will also total up the hours and values for each carer. You can also download a version for Numbers on a Mac here.

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